Answered Prayers

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A reflection by Ema and Elle ~

By Ema ~ Our mother had called to begin my day. I thought she was going to make Elle return to her today, as this is something she has been considering. When I received her call this morning I was prepared for the unfortunate news. We have been trying to get her to see that Elle wishes to continue to be here for now. Thankfully our prayers had been answered and she heard our hearts call to let Elle stay with me. It did however come from a most unlikely source, Elle’s dad. He is mine too after 25 years of marriage, but he never adopted me. Our parents are going through a divorce right now, which has been difficult for all of course, but they thankfully both agreed this summer for Elle to begin traveling with me. Recently our mom has been saying maybe Elle needs to return to her. We understand she misses her, but so wish to continue to stay together. It has been so good, for both of us really. Thankfully instead of coming to get her, she is coming just for a visit. We got ourselves ready for the day and soon our family was here. It was sweet to see them all, including our sister Xena and brothers, Elijah and Luke. We went out to dinner, and then shopping to look for some warmer clothes. I always lack such, and Elle has grown so much since last year, she really only has summer clothes at the moment. We also have plans to go to the ballet while here, as well as some holiday events, so have found some lovely dresses for the occasions.

By Elle ~ After last night I was very tired so I didn’t wake till later. When I woke I heard ema talking I thought she was talking to Thomas but I didint hear a response so I knew she was talking to mom. I got up and mom wanted to talk to me I knew something was up. Mom told me she was coming to visit but I would be staying with sissy. Then she told me out of all the people in the world Barry  came to her and told her to please leave me there. This amazed me out of all the people in the world Barry (My Dad). I asked if she was bringing Ellie she said she was already on her way and Ellie would have gotten sad. Mom said “Ill bring her next time”. I ate and got ready and we found a bunch of things a 3 pack of Burt’s bees lip balm and some papers. I was sitting on my bed when ema said journal until mom gets here she’s close so it wont be long, but she was 5 minutes away so that didn’t work. When mom came we all visited and then went out to eat. We went to a Chinese buffet. When ordering mom said something about me now being sissys daughter which I thought was weird coming from her. We ate yummy food and I had cows ice cream which I haven’t had in ages but it gave me a belly ache and for a minute I thought I was going to get sick. After dinner we went to Burlington. Mom didn’t want to stay long but we ended up being there for a really long time according to her. The reason she wanted to leave was because they had to get up for school early and they wouldn’t get home till like 11:00 pm so they left. We said goodbye until we meet again and mom started to cry I gave her a big hug and they left. But Eli came in because my things were in the car I gave him a hug but he pulled away from me and left. Ema and I headed to the dressing room were we started to try things on. We didn’t get to try everything on because they closed so we just bought everything and were going to take what we didn’t want back. When we got home we tried on everything and took some pictures for mom.

When we were done Ema and I did the git up dance until I took a shower and went to sleep. 

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