A Cosmic Cowgirl and Unicorns

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A reflection by Ema and Elle ~

We have just landed the mainland and our brother who is closest to me in age lives near by. He is having his annual costume party tonight so we are going to stop through to see him before heading north home. After recently losing one of our brothers, we cannot be so close to another and not hug him on our way through. My dear Thomas also brought costumes so we can be unicorns for Elle the cosmic cowgirl! It is too cold for me to be a mermaid, so we prepared this idea in advance and Thomas arrived with all. He is so good to us, especially since he dressed up with us!

Elle was thrilled to have her own unicorn to ride. She is already missing her horses in Hawaii, but I think this was a fun landing to welcome us back to the mainland and know we will continue to build our dreams wherever our path leads.

Our brother was Forest Gump, and his fiance Jenny. It was so good to see my brother. We must find one another more. I just adore him, and his love. Thank you for taking us in a moment for our return.

We headed north to get settled back into the home here before it got too late. Elle fell asleep on the hour drive. It has been a long journey indeed. Our animals were delighted to have us home and I was so happy to see them again. I always miss my kitties when I travel and my pup Lili when she does not join me for travel. We have lots of activities planned for the holidays and it will be good to be here a moment to see our loved ones.

By Elle ~ We headed to our brothers house for a Halloween party. There was yummy food, and yummy candy corn, and m and ms, which were delicious. We were there for a while and someone told us about her horses and such which made me miss 4H more.

When we left I was suppose to journal on the drive but I was too busy sleeping and I did just that when we got home. Goodnight.

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