Day 46 . A Rainbow Over the Land

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A daily reflection by Ema and Elle ~

By Ema ~ I woke up and started my day with my smoothie. While I sat on the porch drinking it I talked to Sunny the cat to let her know today was the the day that her mama returned. She is so sweet and talks back.

It is amazing to think I have spent days cleaning yet with the geckos and living in a home so open to the winds everything needed a last sweep and wipe down. Once Elle was wake I recruited her to do the furniture on the porch. I then went through each room starting at one end of the home and did a final wipe down, dusted, emptied the bins, swept my way out of the room, and closed the door. I worked room by room until I met with Elle at the other end who had prepped the kitchen. I knew I would have to do the same one last time before Terry arrived, but we still needed to eat. I got Elle her breakfast and then got showered. We had everything loaded in the car to do a transfer station run, but just as we were leaving Elle told me she had gone into some of the rooms. I panicked as I had so meticulously worked on each room and went to turn around to make sure all was still okay when I saw Terry arriving. We thought we had just enough time to get there before their arrival, but we pulled back in and greeted them. I took a deep breathe and trusted all was okay. I guess Elle went in and got the foot print she had made, so that was sweet of her. A rainbow came out reaching over the land for the owners return and it seemed all was well. By the time we got Terry settled in I missed getting to the transfer station so I will have to do that in the morning. It is sweet to have Terry home and to spend a moment with her gentle kind spirit.

By Elle ~ Today I awoke to the beautiful palm trees except it wasn’t so beautiful it was rainy. When I woke I looked at sissys instagram before Ema came in had me clean gecko poop. I brushed sunny until my breakfast was made. For breakfast I had boiled eggs, lilikoi butter, toast, and starfruit from the farmers market.

After breakfast Ema had me do more gecko poop because it wasn’t done well enough. Then I swept the kitchen and porch. Sissy told me it was time to break down my box and put it in the car so it became the titanic before getting in the car.

I noticed there was one banana ready one of my finger bananas so we ate it and I got out the camera to film the other bananas. When sailing it to the car it started to rain so I closed the box and sat while I waited for it to stop. I then took care of towels and it started to pour. I moved important things like the tablet, and sissys phone, but the whole time sissy was yelling “get your horse shoes! Get them! Hurry!” I finally got them before dancing in the rain. It was either sunny or rainy when the sun would come out we would put out my horseshoes to dry but it would always change quickly to rain getting them wet. After that I took a shower and looked at the bamboo finally. Soon Ema was done showering and we were going to do a transfer run but I had to run back to look for trash and I went in the rooms but I wasn’t suppose to so we were going to go back to sweep but terry arrived so we had no choice but to leave it. Terry and Glyn pulled in terry said “hi Elowyn” and Glyn said “do you want a ride?” I said “Hi, and no thanks” while they were all in the front yard I went in and cleaned the foot prints off so it looked as if I hadn’t come in. I went out to join them and there was a full rainbow. Soon Glyn left and we sat talking with terry. Turns out she doesn’t like centipedes either. I had a bean taco for dinner then we fed and brushed sunny. Terry told me about her shells and her boda. Then I took notes and went to sleep. 

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