Day 8 . Tending the Home and Postcards

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Daily reflections by Ema and Elle.

By Ema ~ I awoke not feeling so well today and decided we would just spent time around here doing our chores and such as needed. I also did some laundry so we could wear our new outfits soon. Elle wanted to just wear them, but I explained that that new clothes smell is chemicals such as flame retardant, and we don’t want that rubbing in to our skin, so she agreed and we got them washed and hung to dry. I wanted to keep things simple for my belly this day, so for breakfast I took a little of the coconut milk ice cream and topped it with a banana, a couple slices of starfruit, and a sprinkle of granola. It was so yummy.

Most of my day was slow, just tending to this home and land, while resting my body, sitting on the porch writing postcards to my loved ones.

I made a simple lunch of rice noodles in sesame oil seasoned with garlic granules and shoyu.

I continued writing cards til Elle was hungry again and used the left over noodles in a Thai coconut soup from company Amy’s and cooked the last piece of ahi for us to go with it.

It was a beautiful sunset tonight. Elle danced among the colors as day turned to night.

After Elle went to bed, I was sitting out with Sunny, when I heard two gun shots. I think someone may be on the land hunting pigs. The cows, horses, and the dogs in the neighborhood up the way all did not like the disturbance in the night and sent out their warnings. It is normally very quiet here, so it was an odd moment. I have been feeling tired all day today, and went to my bed a little after 9pm. 

By Elle ~ Today I woke up and sissy was laying there on her bed doing something on her phone before getting up and exiting the room. I made my bed and went outside, were ema was sitting in her usual spot looking at the sky, which is so pretty as usual. I decided I was hungry so I went to the kitchen were I decided to have my granola which was made cherry flavored with actual dried cherry slices and it was organic and so yummmmmy! We got it from The natural food store in wyama. Once I made it I headed outside so I could sit with ema. We were expecting sunny the cat to come for breakfast but she never came, ema said she thought she got into a fight again, last night Sunny got into a fight so ema thought it might have been her in a fight again. Yesterday she didn’t come for breakfast either so I was kind of worried, but there wasn’t much I could do so I finished my granola yogurt I went into the kitchen and put water in my bowl.  I decided to take my shower and met a little spider friend and gently said “ ema there’s a spider in here and he’s going toward my towel save me.” She came with a jar and got him out of the shower. I wanted to wear one of our new outfits that we had gotten yesterday but ema said they smelled of chemicals that they spray to make sure on the drive to the store that if the car caught fire the clothes would be fine and not burn so we needed to wash them then she continued by saying our skin is our biggest organ and we needed to not have chemicals rubbing on us. So I just decided to put on my narwhal shirt that is super cute ema got out her matching one but never put it on. I brushed my hair and put on my outfit that was when ema made me journal so I started journaling and finally after a few hours and a yummy fruit bowl filled with starfruit and 2 rambutans, I was done and could go to some post cards finally.

I decided to call mom because it was getting late there and we haven’t called yet. We talked with mom while doing post cards, I wish mom could be here with us, she would love it, the warm ocean waters, all the creatures, the hot wether, all off it. We talked with mom for hours until it was 10:00pm there. It’s a school night so she would have to get up early with Luke, Eli, and Xena. We said our good byes and finished making our yummy rice. The rice was really good but the best part was they’re rice noodles, not normal rice, rice noodles! We enjoyed the noodles and back to work we went, we continued writing post cards until I started working on my ukulele and learned a new song I played until 6 and soon it was back to postcards for me:(   We kept writing until we were hungry again so we went into the kitchen and had some ahi with Thai coconut and rice noodles. Now I sit here journaling, there are no stars but we were blessed with a gorgeous sunset so I can’t complain. I’ll be going to sleep soon or so I thought anyway when getting starfruit I went out side and saw a giant toad like the size of ema’s hand but when eating my starfruit I swallowed a single hair and when I tried pulling it back up it almost made me barf but thankfully after taking a second and then I slowly pulled it out and didn’t barf thankfully.

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