Day 19 . Meeting at Fin Fun

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Road trip across America… daily reflections by Ema and Elle.

By Ema ~ So today is the day to meet the crew at Fin Fun! I am excited and a little nervous. I woke from a deep sleep to the van door opening. Elle was needing the $3.00 for her all you can eat pancake breakfast. I passed as I was not wanting to feel full and sleepy before going to try on tails. I got the van organized again and after my shower will do one more load of laundry and get all the towels washed. Checkout is at 11am, but I am not sure where today will lead or where we should go next, so I am tempted to reserve for one more night until we can figure out what direction to go. I know Elle would be thrilled to know she could have one more day with her new friend. I went to the office and our spot was available again, so I reserved. This also meant I did not need to rush to leave the campsite. The appointment at Fin Fun is at 1pm and this gives me time to get ready rather than checking out and having to figure out what to do with myself before and after the meeting. I changed my clothes three times before I settled on the white dress that a dear friend in Hawaii gifted me, and the necklace from the same dear soul.

We arrived Fin Fun and were greeted by several employees and gifted bags of goodies, including Fin Fun sunglasses, a beach ball, water bottle, a mermaid bath bomb, and lots of stickers and such.

We went on a tour of the shop seeing behind the scenes where the magic happens and tails are designed and printed.

After our tour I was gifted my ambassador welcome package with two Fin Fun tails and the AMP mono-fin. I was surprised to see that I needed an extra small. I got to take home the Moon Dive tail with me today and will be receiving the Salt Water Taffy in the mail, probably before I even return to Michigan. My sister, Mermaid Elle, and I also got a matching set of the Bahama Blush tails from the seconds rack. Fin Fun was so kind to include her in this meeting. If you are ever in Idaho Falls, Idaho do stop on through to the shop!

I was starving by the time we parted Fin Fun and found a Thai restaurant along the way, so we stopped to have some spring rolls and green curry with rice. After our bellies were full and we returned to camp.

Amelia returned shortly after from her family outing and the girls were once again connected at the hip. We went swimming and tried on our new tails. Thankfully we already had the perfect tops to match from our Florida trip. We brought along the GoPro, so should have lots of footage to share soon!

Elle is once again having a sleep over at her friends, so I will enjoy a last night of the bed all to me. Tomorrow we are on the road again to continue west. California, here we come!

By Elle ~ Today I woke up to Amelia’s brother. Amelia got up easy, but I didn’t. She got ready and tapped me with the brush every time I tried going to sleep. Eventually I got up. We went to the car for the 3 dollars for breakfast. Sissy was still sleeping as she had gotten sick the night before. I told her at least it was when I was sleeping at Amelia’s so she didn’t have to deal with me attacking her in my sleep. She gave me 3 dollars for my all you can eat pancakes. On my pancakes I had peanut butter and syrup. Sissy came around and got me a juice. I had to take a shower, so after going through the store and getting some balloons we headed to the shower. We were playing with the balloons and getting ready. Once back we got the news we were staying another night. Amelia and I were thrilled! We were so happy, but soon she had to go to Yellowstone and we had to go to Fin Fun, so we went and played for a few minutes while Ema showered, but eventually we had to go, so we headed to Fin Fun. When we got there it was not at all what I was expecting. The building looked so proper, but inside it was completely opposite. When inside we got a goodie bag filled with things like a mermaid beach ball, sunglasses, and a bath bomb, plus more. We met the desk lady and the person that would be giving us a tour. She is really nice. She loved touring us because she was new and she could learn with us. We learned how the 360 view of tails are made. We met the people that made the designs which was cool. I really thought there racks of fins were really magic looking. After the tour sissy got to open her tails and figure that out. Then we started looking through the seconds which were tails that had some mistake or printing flaw. We tried on one after another, but when I put on the Bahama Blush I was in love, so sissy and I got matching tails and sissy got some others too. Once done at Fin Fun we went to a Thai Restaurant. I was excited because I hadn’t even heard of Thai or even where Thai food come from. After that we went back to the campground where Amelia came minutes later. We decided to swim, so we went and swam in our tails with Ema, then bed time arrived and I slept over with Amelia.

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