Crossroads Village A Step Back In Time

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We got all dressed up in our prairie wear and made our way to Crossroads Village for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting. Last year my little brother Elijah came with us and this year I was so excited to take Elle. It is a village much like those we explored as we crossed the country this summer. I was grateful to have Thomas help me with my new boots as we dressed for the time period.

Elle looked adorable and I am grateful the Antique Gunnie Sak dress I have carried around for many years finally had a purpose. Unfortunately I don’t think I got a photo of her with just the dress this night.

We wandered the village upon our arrival to see the lights and find the tree for the lighting. We sang along to the carols and danced to stay warm. There were lots of light displays and of course my little sister found herself a horse.

It is tradition every year for me to ride the carousal. I will never grow too old for such. I have loved them since childhood and always shall.

Elle got her pressed coin which had become a tradition for her as we travel together.

She somehow convinced me to ride the old wooden Ferris Wheel in the freezing cold. I must truly love this child! If you know me, you know how very sensitive I am to the cold. She somehow even manifested the color carriage she wished for.

We then made our way to the old train for a ride through the woods to see more lights. Elle was very excited as this was her first time on a train.

We got our candy roasted almonds which is a part of my annual visit here and made our way back through the village. We closed the place out. It is always so enchanting to take a step back in time, and always a bit hard to leave.

It has been the start of a wonderful holiday season!

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