My birthday is in a few days and I cannot really come up with what I want when asked. I have pondered and really I think that helping Elle get her wings to fly with me this month will be the perfect gift, for both of us. As much as the traveling has helped to heal her soul and inspire her, she too has been a blessing upon my path. I am often dealing with illness, even when I travel, and having her around has been healing for me too. I don’t know if it is the power that mother’s seem to harness to get through anything or just having someone by my side, but I have found that even in my weakest moments, with her around, I am able to pull through much more quickly. She inspires me to carry on and find ways to offer her these experiences. I hope to inspire her to live her dreams and see this beautiful world! So I was hoping I could make a birthday wish, and if you could give a little towards making this happen, I would be ever grateful and have a happy birthday indeed! Anything helps, even a dollar makes a difference. Just knowing there are others out there that support this path is such a gift. Please help my littlest get her wings to fly to Hawaii! Check out her VIDEO to know more and see the sweet, funny, bright spirit of Elle! Be sure to turn the volume up, as it recorded quiet. Thanks for all your support!

DONATE HERE on our website, click on the yellow donate button and give through PayPal, or visit her GoFundMe.
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