It was a quiet birthday, but sweet. It is getting a little cold in Michigan, so I went to the local Splash Village in Frankenmuth. It’s a bit of a magical fairy land filled with giant flowers, mushrooms, and rivers flowing through.
I of course prefer nature and natural waters, but any water brings me joy and I was grateful to get a swim for my birthday. It was so much fun to try on a few of my tails from Fin Fun! Of course one must wear a crown on their birthday. I love mine by Jeneca’s Fantasea!
We attempted to get a few photos, but the lighting was low and it was later in the day, so it was not the best moment for such. I shall share the few we did capture, and feel inspired and so excited to take my tails with with me to Hawaii and make more art soon!
Thanks to Splash Village for making an exception and allowing me to bring my tail to the pool! You made a mermaid very happy upon her birthday!
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